3 Simple Photography Tips To Help You Take Better Pictures of Your Children

9 April 2020

Oh my, what gorgeous weather we are having!!! ???

So our current pandemic lockdown situation, which hopefully will be a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence ?, has given us the perfect opportunity to create some pretty unique memories with our families. For most of us, we've probably never spent this much time together and I love the idea of having a little "What we did during Covid-19" album that forms part of our family history.

With the lockdown, Easter approaching and the gorgeous weather begging to be enjoyed, I wanted to share some handy tips on how you can improve your family photography skills even if you are just using your phone. With these tips, you can elevate your pictures from simple snapshots to beautiful portraits! Here we go:

1) Find "Good" Light 

Lighting, Lighting, Lighting!!!! Great light can transform a simple image from a meh picture to a beautiful portrait, even if you are only using your phone. And it really doesn’t get much simpler than daylight!

If you are shooting inside, there is nothing more beautiful than diffused window light aka soft light. The best place to find this is near a window or a door. So simply have your little one facing your window or sliding doors to get some beautiful light to photograph in. If the sunlight is too strong, use the day blinds to reduce the harshness.

If you are outside in the sun, either take pictures late afternoon where the sun gives that pretty soft glow (golden hour) or if the sun is super bright, find a nice shady patch in front of a tree and let the magic happen. ?

family photography milton keynes Wani Olatunde

family photography milton keynes Wani Olatunde

family photography milton keynes Wani Olatunde

2) Never Say Cheese

Now we all have those pictures of our little ones with the forced smiles, ok grimaces, because an adult has asked them to "smile for the camera". If you want a smiling or laughing picture - you have to be patient, entertain them and make them laugh. As the parent you have the added advantage of knowing exactly what makes them happy. If you want that awesome image, you are going to have to earn it. ?

family photography milton keynes Wani Olatunde

family photography milton keynes Wani Olatunde

3) Shoot from Every Angle

A lot of pictures of kids are taken from above i.e. the adult's viewpoint. For a more engaging portrait, come down to the child's level, see the world from their point of view. Once you've done that, then shoot from every angle and position, up top, down below, from the side etc. Don’t forget to focus on different parts of the body too – not just those cute little faces.

family photography milton keynes Wani Olatunde

family photography milton keynes Wani Olatunde

Bonus tip! ?

4) Let Kids Be Kids

Taking pictures should be fun for kids! It is important to give them their space and let them be themselves. With my outdoor family photography sessions, once I have photographed the traditional family portrait, I let the kids loose to do what they do best. They run, jump, play and basically be themselves - this gives you personality and emotion that is truly heartwarming.

family photography milton keynes Wani Olatunde

family photography milton keynes Wani Olatunde

Ok - these are just a few tips to get you started. Hope you found them useful. Now go make some magic and feel free tag me in any shots you are particularly proud of. I'll share my favourites on my page. ?

Have a wonderful Easter and may the good weather long continue.


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