As a women's photographer, I am incredibly passionate about empowering and celebrating women of all ages and sizes. I'm on a mission to help women feel comfortable with being seen and stepping into their power. And I do this in my small way with my clients one photoshoot at a time.
This was a great conversation with Alison Moore about the challenges of self acceptance, self empowerment and learning to be comfortable in your own skin. We also touch on the importance of representation and seeing yourself in the environment around you.
It's part of a great series called "Reconnect Your Life", which is all about helping women live their best lives. So very much in alignment with all WOP stands for.
Be sure to check it out right here and let us know what you think.
Thanks for having me Alison. 🙂
Interested in having a photoshoot of your own? Contact Wani right here for a complimentary no-obligations consultation.